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Tuesday, September 10th, 2024


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Would You Help With the Project?

We hope you have had a chance to review the Project Enduring Pride website, we believe the pages capture the heart and soul of the Project’s goals and focus to help the severely wounded warriors. These pages are designed to inspire you the viewers to consider becoming a part of the program like others have done in the pas.  Your support enables us to meet our outreach goals to return our wounded warriors to their communities with a better mental ability.
Project Enduring Pride is a not-for-profit 501 3(c) as recognized by the IRS.  All your contributions are tax deductible.

Your support for this very special group means a great deal to all of us who are working hard for the most important treasure this nation has: our wounded warriors. Our project does not accept Federal funds so we have more freedom to achieve the necessary goals we have set for ourselves; that of getting the Service members thinking beyond today, gaining a set of employable skills that can be marketed, and above all, restoring their dreams and morale courage to return to an employable society.
Buddies at Walter ReedThis is a tremendous challenge that we have accepted. 

As we enter 2011 and begin to execute our plan we are reminded that 2011 and 2012 are transition years for the Wounded Warriors. As the 100 year-old Walter Reed Military Hospital closes we want to offer our assistance to the WW for the transition to alternative sites and their health care.

To achieve this budget of $52,000 it is our goal to meet the demands we have imposed. This money will be used to cover the expenses of:

  • SavantageCreating an internship program for planning & management skil ls on many local tasks presented to the community
  • Create a semi-formal program on the floor of the Smithsonian Air &  S pace at Dulles Airport
  • Do a joint event with the USN-Reserve in Baltimore and Special Boat Unit 20
  • Plan and host regional car shows in Maryland and Virginia
  • Continuing the Purple Heart Challenge Coin program for all the wounded (more than 200 per year)
  • Continue the Walter Reed Alumni shirt program for all casualties at Walter Reed
  • As the hospital closes, honor those who have served our Wounded Warrior population 
  • Build event programs that encourage participation in group sport events and cultural events like outdoor plays and concerts
  • Craft our service members’ talents and involve them in outreach business programs where wounded warriors act as members running the business
  • Provide our volunteer project “coaches” and managers with the means to apply their skills and knowledge to develop “healthy” participants in our wounded warrior program
  • Prepare the members of Walter Reed and Bethesda-Naval to perform in a diverse business and social sector of our communities
Thank you for taking the time and considering becoming a strong supporter of our program, Project Enduring Pride. Your gift will make such a huge difference at this time and what we can accomplish for these citizens, the wounded warriors. Our victories can only be forged with your assistance and help.

Our project accepts checks, money orders, and credit card donations. There is no donation that is too small to make a difference. Of course, we ask for organizations and corporations to consider event sponsorship.  Donate online below:

Thank You!

Your Project Enduring Pride Staff
Remember:  Thank a vet for his service, today.

 By using our website for we will share in donations made to us.


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