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Friday, July 26th, 2024

Activities: February 2014


This year’s Super Bowl was a significant one, not only for the Bronco’s or the Seahawks, both which have come a long way in the development of their team; it was also for the support to the wounded at the military hospital in Bethesda. This year was the first true slowdown in the Iraq-Afghanistan War that carried throughout the last decade. Heralded by most, 2013-14 has at last produced a major downturn in casualty numbers. As the Army leader/management assumed the mantle of Command and responsibility at Walter Reed, Fort Belvoir Community Hospital remained under Army leadership.

Teaming with the New York Fire Department veterans and active firefighters alike, Project Enduring Pride (PEP), worked to produce one of the finest events in recent years. More than 165 wounded warriors and family members attended the event held in the Warrior Café of Building 62. Noticeably absent this year was the senior leadership of the hospital at the event, unlike in previous years. Not-for-profits were allowed to run the 2014 event and it was deemed very positive and successful by all in attendance. Colors for the 2014 event were honoring those of the Pittsburgh Steelers, and for the Univesity Hospital’s work with transplant surgery along with their colleagues at John Hopkins. To date several WW are benefactors of the joint work of Pittsburgh and John Hopkins.

Meetings in the near term will be held in order to plan for the 2015 Superbowl Event honoring Joe Annaruzzi of the New England Patriots, who has participated in the Walter Reed/Bethesda Superbowl event for more than seven years. While PEP continues to work with the WW, we will be migrating out to the “Alumni” in the community surrounding the hospitals and inviting them back to participate in the 2015 Superbowl party. Get involved, and make a donation to keep the game moving!


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